The world is on the verge of global changes - the fourth industrial revolution is unfolding right before our eyes and the global financial system is one of those areas that has every chance of changing beyond recognition!

Right now, thanks to blockchain technology, a new global financial infrastructure is being created, which combines both existing markets and completely new directions. Artificial Intelligence opens up new opportunities for productive work for those who understand how to use these tools, and it also takes away jobs from many who have not adopted this technology. Extended Reality becomes a bridge for virtual spaces and digital assets to the real world around us, thereby creating a lot of directions for new business and transformation of traditional business areas.

But today there is a serious problem - a significant part of the market is products “from programmers for programmers”, working only within the ecosystem “in a vacuum” and having no connection with the real world and the traditional economic system.

Moreover, there is a serious shortage of specialists on the market who can speak the same language both with representatives of the world of the latest financial technologies and with representatives of traditional economics.

And despite all the advantages of the latest financial technologies, it is the lack of ‘skilled simplified’ - specialists capable of combining two worlds into one - that is the main obstacle to the adoption of cryptocurrencies, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, WEB3 and many other new financial technologies.

The laboratory for the study of the latest financial technologies Skilled Simplifiers strives not only to identify promising areas for integrating the latest financial technologies into traditional areas of business and social activities, but to talk about the latest technologies of Industry 4.0 in simple words with clear examples so that it is understandable to anyone a person who has no experience in the IT field and does not have deep knowledge of financial instruments